Monday, August 12, 2013

This is an exciting time. The one's running the Arizona State Hospital are in deep shit.

And that is all I am going to say right now, pretty much. Things are in very much in motion. Time now for one ASH related rat bastard after another to begin pointing fingers, hiding in the rocks, or otherwise doing all they can to avoid the pending fall out. This is precisely how vermin always react to pressure of the sort these people have coming to them. 


I definitely warned them, all of them, from Cory Nelson to various senior clinical staff, and the representative of the Office of the Arizona Attorney General who has direct legal responsibility over the Hospital's policies and related operations, Joel "the mortician" Rudd , and even the czar charged with overseeing the entire AZ Deparmtent of Health, Will "Yea Team" HumbleBut across the board, as if THE BORG (Star Trek- ha!), they all were too dense to do the right thing. Like a herd of freaking cows. All at the expense of Arizona's taxpayers, and to direct detriment of ASH's disabled patient community. Sickening, depraved, criminal. 

Ineptitude Personified. 

IN CLOSING: This is an exciting period of time for me, not because I anticipate seeing any number of the one's most responsible for the substandard conditions at The Arizona State Hospital brought to justice, but far rather because as a former patient of Arizona's sole long term public mental hospital, I have deep concern for the patient community at ASH, who I know are still being subjected to unlawful abuse and related neglect in terms of their most crucial needs as persons affected by mental illness and disability. As this process evolves, I will continue to balance my intent to see that the wrongdoers in ASH's senior clinical and administrative staff are held fully accountable under the law, with the more critical need to bring about direct improvements in the flow of treatment to ASH's seriously mentally ill and disabled patients. This latter concern has always been the primary theme of my advocacy efforts, including from that point in time when I first chose to speak out in defense of my rights and related care needs there at ASH, circa spring 2011. Always in good faith, without a primary desire to ensue conflict, and as per all applicable procedural standards. 

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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.