Friday, April 13, 2018

DATELINE APRIL, 2018. Of state employed lawyers participating in furthering patient abuse; and the fact that the medical profession has an unjust privilege in getting away with sexual abuse and harrassment.

More specifically, indirectly and yet still contributing to the physical and psychological abuses of consumer-patients at the Arizona State Hospital (ASH), the latter of which (forms of psychological abuse and harm) does extend to abuses of the civil rights of ASH patients, such as the first amendment right to free speech. And the fact that when someone like Dr. Steven Dingle lays his grimy hands on women directly under his authority, the medical boards etc. turn a blind eye towards the significance of it all. 

As fell Jeff Bloomberg, so shall fall Greg Honig. 
I promise you this.

I intended to keep this short. There are a range of developments that I will keep under wraps for the time being, this in order to more exact the intent of a host of highly qualified AZ based individuals who refuse to let this shit continue. 

I am compelled to state that, if there's anything I detest as much if not more then depraved psychiatric professionals, it is dirty assed lawyers. The first of these attitudes did not arise until I entered the realm of Arizona State Hospital in January, 2011, upon which I encountered  Laxman "What do you expect? This is the state hospital" Patel, and in short time his various grossly unethical psychiatric associates. The latter flows from my experiences in law and my education at the University of AZ College of Law. Herein, we have two seemingly opposing fields of professions, but the fact is, both doctors and lawyers exist via the public trust, given their highly entrusted and power driven status in American society. And yet somehow they presume- some doctors and some lawyers- they're not to be subjected the same level of accountability as the rest of us.

- During a November 16, 2017, meeting of ASH Human Rights Committee (HRC), a current ASH patient expressed concern about the ASH' Chief Medical Officer's (Dr. Steven Dingle) history as a sexual abuser of women working under his authority. At that time, ASH's chief executive officer, Dr. Aaron Bowen, bluntly interrupted the patient mid-statement, and stated "I can't have folks calling my CMO a sexual predator in public!" 

The First Amendment of the United States Constitution (1798, rev. 1992) dictates that (in part): "Congress shall make no law.... prohibiting the freedom of speech..." While Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) similarly dictates that "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas throughout any media and regardless of frontiers."  There are little to no exceptions to this freedom. Bottom line.

Which is to say that, despite being affected by mental illness and subject to legal commitment to ASH, patients have not lost this premier (first) right dictated by the American congress. To believe otherwise is consistent with the ugliness of patent discrimination against ASH patients, with in itself is a violation of the provisions and protections embedded in the Americans With Disabilities Act (1990).

Bowen therein grossly violated the civil and human rights of the involved patient- arguable discrimination on the basis of disability in patent violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA)- who in no uncertain terms was expressing both reasonable concern and opinion specific to Dingle's history. Concern and opinion that I 100% concur with, this, particularly with regard for the longstanding history of sexual abuses of women, children, the elderly, and persons disabled by physical, mental, and cognitive challenges; as well as with regard for the need that no licensed physician be so graphically depraved in character.   

- On or about November 17, 2018, attorneys working within the ADHS construct, including but not limited to lawyer Greg Honig, sent several e-mails to members of AHS-HRC demanding that the statement of the involved patient be stricken from the recorded minutes of that meeting.

Greg Honig is licensed attorney working within the construct of Arizona's public health care system. In seeking to deny this information, Honig both violated the civil and human rights of the involved patient, which is yet again an arguable act of discrimination on the basis of disability, in patent violation of the ADA. He did so while simultaneously abridging the required ability of HRC to reasonably serve the interests of the ASH patient community as a whole. In this latter context, it is required by Arizona law (R9-21-105) that HRC be able to reasonably function with no interference of state employees; as such, HRC is an independent body of critically needed patient advocacy.

Dr. Cara Christ.

- Following a news story about the above matter, ADHS issued a formal response, ostensibly under the direction of ADHS director Dr. Cara Christ. In that response, Christ characterized the involved patient's exercise of free speech and opinion about Dingle's history as "highly defamatory" and "harassment." 

The legal definition (1) of  defamation is "Any intentional false communication, either written or spoken, that harms a person's reputation.", (2) of harassment is "The act of systematic and/or continued unwanted and annoying actions, including threats and demands. The purposes for harassment may include racial prejudice, personal malice, an attempt to force someone to quit a job of grant sexual favors, apply illegal pressure to collect a bill, or gain sadistic pleasure from making someone fearful or anxious."

Dingle's record as a sexual abuser is public, included as such in the formal records of the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners, which in that documented record did find Dingle guilty of violating state or federal law; as such, this is one aspect of Dingle's known reputation and very real history. Ergo, the involved patient in no way expressed opinion or information that is false; and clearly, the patient was not systematically or otherwise harassing Dingle. He or she was speaking to the HRC, and not singularly or exclusively to/at Dingle himself. 

Arizona Board of Medical Examiners Investigation 9412- Dr. Steven Dingle: "... a disciplinary letter issued by the Board that informs the physician that the physician's conduct violates state or federal law..."

"Oh, never mind. I was just being my hyper-sexual self."

"Dr. Dingle reached over and grabbed the resident's thigh.. kept his hand on her thigh until she pushed his hand away..."

"Dr. Dingle's action frightened the resident."

"When she was pregnant during her residency Dr. Dingle required her to stand up so he could... rub her belly.... stroked her hair...."

"... began rubbing her shoulders before she had time to turn around..."

And Christ knows this. She has literally stated as much in her formal statements about this matter. Way to go, "Director." 

- In a February 13, 2018, letter of notice to ASH-HRC , Christ went even further by characterizing the concern expressed by the involved patient as a "verbal attack".

Known definitions (Wickipedia, Merriam's Dictionary, Reverso Dictionary, etc.) of what it means to verbally attack somebody are limited to using words to cause actual harm.

Verbal: "Of, relating to, or using words...."

Attack: "To direct hostile words or writings at or abuse vehemently."

As stated already, the involved patient was speaking in a public forum, not utilizing hostile or abusive language to in fact attack Dingle himself, but rather to exercise his/her given civil right to free speech; was expressing- in fact- what I contend to be legitimate concern and opinion about the known history of a state employed physician who bears more responsibility over the day to day medical operation at Arizona sole long term public mental health care facility then anyone else in that facility. 

This too, Christ knows all too well. I all but guarantee you that if she were to characterize a person not disabled by mental illness and confined to ASH, she herself would be attacked on the basis of breaching the rights that all Americans share. This, too, an arguable representation of discrimination against Arizona citizens/Americans on the basis of disability, a patent violation of the Americans . It's that bad, right up at the top of the proverbial food chain- just like it was circa 2010-2015 (Humble).   

Following my gathering of further details to this matter, I know that the involved patient and I share that, in expressing our concern and opinion of Dingle's history, we are both only seeking to ensure that Arizona State Hospital be staffed by medical professionals who have no history in lacking in civility, ethical character, and criminal conduct. 

It's simply not enough to realize that Dingle's known history, conversely speaking, represents a lack civility, absence of ethical character, and as per the findings of the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners, arguably criminal conduct. The fact, this highly entrusted, state employed medical provider is a goddamned sexual predator. No better then Harvey Weinstein, Dr. Larry Nasser, and hundreds of other men in power now identified as sexual abusers of women under their authority; and as I see it, little if any better then Roger James Forney, the pervert who was hired by ADHS and employed at ASH as a security guard in disgusting defiance of his known criminal record as a sexual child predator. 

Forney's 2013 mugshot.
He is now in prison.

With the ultimate findings of the above hearing specific to hyper-sexual Steven Dingle, "doctor," in mind, I contend that it is only because Dingle is a medical doctor, and the related fact that medical professionals in any setting are generally not willing to hold their peers to the same level of accountability that the rest of us bear, that he was not- in fact- criminally charged or otherwise held reasonably accountable for his known history as a sexual abuser. Why else would the Board not include in that ultimate finding Dingle's laying of hands on women working under his direct authority as a factor in his discipline? (They didn't, rather, literally omitted those elements of his misconduct at the conclusion of that hearing.) 

The fact is, Dingle received little more then a slap on the wrist, a mere letter of reprimand, which I believe fails to to so much as provide meaningful deterrence, much less the level of accountability that is necessary in this day in age to ensure that women and other vulnerable populations are no longer subject to what we all know has gone on over these long years.     

POINT IN FACT: Dr. Aaron Bowen should understand that he has no right to infringe on the civil and human rights of his clientele, the ASH patients across the board. 

POINT IN FACT: Gregory D. Honig knows better, as a licensed attorney, what those rights are; and that by participating in a meeting of HRC, the involved patient's expression must be included in the documented minutes  specific to that fateful November l6, 2018, HRC meeting. 

POINT IN FACT: While Dr. Cara Christ should be deeply ashamed for attempting to minimize the significance of Dingle's depravity, and for ignoring the harm that he caused in context. Women today, and for the entirety history in western culture, have been profoundly marginalized by their male counterparts, including in a context of sexual abuse- or worse. The efforts of women to end this once for all, as characterized by the "Me, too!" and "Times up!" movements, are in shocking contrast to Christ's behavior in this matter. 

But could she care less? Apparently not.
Christ has also proven by now (more then once) her willingness to be complicit in violating the rights of ASH patients, supporting in no uncertain terms both Bowen and Honig's unlawful misconduct. This flies in the face of her position as director of the entire public health system in Arizona, wherein she is required not only be her employment contract, but more importantly (one might think) her obligations as a physician, to serve the public to the fullest of her give authority and capability; and also required as such, to grant the citizen-consumer-patients at ASH as much if not more privilege in a context of protection against substandard care practices, this given their disability.

Humble circa 2013
Sadly, it is obvious to me that Christ is no less a bureaucrat then her boneheaded predecessor, Will "Yea team!" Humble, who did unequivocally condone the criminal misconduct of ASH's prior administrative staff circa 2010-2015, only to flee like the scared rabbit that is as the pressure built following January 01, 2015.
And now Christ is up to the same shit. Bottom line. Her varied claims of that ASH has been on a markedly better track today then it was before her 2015 appointment are weak, at best. For she has yet to offer a sliver of evidence to the effect, while in fact, there have been preventable patient deaths and related issues since she took over that are consistent with the shit that went on under Humble's watch. And these are just things we the public are aware of today ("What happens at ASH stays at ASH")

It's that bad. 
Greg Honig needs to get off the back
of the ASH Human Rights committee.
And he needs to it

Honig is relying on his so-called legal expertise and going around the proverbial mountain and back as means to thwart to good faith efforts of several members of HRC as means to deny the ASH patient community as a whole- including both civil and forensic patients- the due right to be provided the services of HRC. This is patently clear as a bell, and I contend this particular attorney has no excuse in terms of how and why he is doing this. 

The ASH HRC exists as a matter of the letter of state law, and is obligated by the specifics to that law to respond to an advocate in resistance to any patient or otherwise generated reported violations of the human rights (DUH!) of each and every patient. The HRC is also protected by state law from interference of state employees, including any/all employees of AzDHS. Don't matter a twitch if said employees are lawyers.... Not a twitch.

If the staff of PJ Reed The Arizona State Hospital and Patient Abuse has our way, in the interest of the patient community at ASH, as well as in terms of the function of HRC, Honig will in time go the way of the last state employed lawyer who was up to the same shit not so terribly long ago, due to which, he was axed like a felled and rotting log in spring, 2015. This occurred approximately three years after my February 21, 2012, discharge from ASH, immediately following which, I PJ Reed founded this blog publication.

Left to right: Former since-fired
ASH CEO Donna Noriega,
AzDHS/BHS Deputy
director Cory Nelson,
and AzDHS staff attorney

Jeff Bloomberg specifically (above right), who essentially once filled the same position that Honig does today, and who was summarily fired from that position in spring 2015, along with a handful of other Rat Bastards who- circa 2011-2015- flaunted the efforts of this publication, that of the investigative staff of Phoenix area ABC Ch15, and the effort the federal government (crying out loud!), to see that that issues now proven as unlawful be addressed. Until said axe fell.

As I did during that time period, I fully intend to do the same today. And while I could be wrong, I am very much of the opinion the axe is raised quite high yet again, balanced in such a way that soon, very soon, said rotting log will be more cut to pieces.

State mental hospitals across the board are known- even in this day in age- as sites of abjectly substandard care practices. Evidence to this effect is overwhelming, known as such by more the one dedicated advocate resource as snake pits of patient abuse (Steve Wagner, Director of Litigation and Prosecution. Citizens' Commission on Human Rights. May, 2007. See: "State Hospitals are Still Snakepits of Patient Abuse". Psychiatric Crime Database; Crime and Fraud in the mental health industry.)

Greg Honig needs get the hell off the back 
of the ASH Human Rights Committee.  
And he needs to do it now.  

And the recent history of Arizona State Hospital, stretching back to no later then 1998 and as recently as 2015- patently represents this fact. The current attack on the ASH HRC by AzDHS attorney Greg Honig, AzDHS Director Cara Christ, and ASH CEO Aaron Bowen is 100% consistent with the issues at stake in the above given time period, and stands as one bright line characterization of the causations that underlie why these such state managed public health care institutions have long been able to destain the human rights of individuals affected by mental illness. In patent violation of contemporary health care standards, as well as established law and policy.

Could not make this shit up if I had to.

Have they any degree of shame?
At all?!?

Societally sanctioned sociopathy.

IN CLOSING: Within the last 24 hours, Arizona Senate Bill 1450 was unanimously passed in a session of the state's legislature. This bill includes a range of language that can serve to get the ASH Human Rights Committee back on track in their ability to meaningfully serve the interests of the ASH patient community. The bill now awaits Arizona governor Ducey's confirmation (signing). 

Of note that, should this bill be enacted in full, the actual title of HRC will change to INDEPENDENT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE. Read my lips, Bowen, Honig, Christ: Independent. 

Thanks again to Senator Nancy Barto, and her associate legislators, for diligently serving the interests the Arizona community as a whole, including those of ASH patients. This is somewhat unusual, or atypical more succinctly speaking, knowing as we do (should) given the history of abject lack of concern in our society about the care needs and rights of persons affected and disabled by mental illness.

And thank you again and as always to the good staff at ASH, who have for too long been subject to overt and unlawful coercion by ASH administrators, who have historically shown no interest in seeing that ASH patients be provided with comprehensive health care, in favor of preserving the status quo. You are, all of you, jewels in the desert. You Rock! I encourage you to stay in touch.

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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.