Saturday, March 10, 2018

Newsfeed Continued.

Dateline March 10, 2018. The state's most read newspaper, Arizona Republic (Phoenix), opts for some reason to censor citizen generated comments specific to recent developments at the Arizona State Hospital. Including ours.

Don Bolles

       Go figure.

September 14, 2011, me to Cory Nelson: "Just do the right thing. That's all I'm asking of you."

Cory Nelson back to me: "Patrick, you have your prerogatives, and I have mine."

Early October, 2011 (following the murder of April Mott), Cory Nelson, to me: "I know you have been talking to JJ Hensley." 

Me: "Good. You should know.... That you aren't going to get away with it."

"Our son is at ASH, has been since 2011 (he claims to know you), and we have been very worried about him in the last few months (as though we hadn't been prior to then). Would you be willing to help us in transferring him to a better run hospital somewhere? Don't care where, as long as it's not in Arizona...." (Comment to this publication, received Saturday, March 10, 2018)


INTRODUCTION: No huge surprise. 

The Arizona Republic serves as the state's most read newspaper, largely due to its base in Phoenix, which by far has the largest regional population in Arizona. 

In late May, 2011, while hospitalized at Arizona State Hospital (ASH, Hospital), I contacted the news desk of this paper in order to report the (yet to be reported) escape of a violent patient named Jesus Rincon Murrieta. 

As previously reported in this publication, I had serious concern for public safety as well as this individual's welfare. But it was as much my suspicion that Hospital administrators were willfully denying this information to the public in order to avoid oversight and accountability, that compelled me to take this good faith action. 

This suspicion was based on my experiences to that point of my time at ASH (four months, out of thirteen total), wherein I had come to quite easily recognize that Hospital administrators and senior ranking medical staff (namely staff psychiatrists) were willing to willfully ignore issues negatively impacting the ASH patient community, including but not limited to staff abuse(s) of patients. 

(And I may as well mention, yet again, that  ASH's longstanding Chief Medical Officer Dr. Steven Dingle, bears more responsibility then any other medical staff member to ensure that public safety and other like matters of concern are a priority of the operation of ASH. As the Hospital's CMO, Dingle is 100% responsible for each and every major medical decision as that relates to the operation of ASH [in general]. He likewise had full awareness of Murrieta's known behavioral characterstics- this, too, one core element of Dingle's overall responsibility as ASH's CMO, bottom line. 

Which is to say, it was Dr. Steven Dingle more then anyone else who is responsible for the decision to deny the public knowledge specific the risk posed by Murrieta's presence in the city of Phoenix at that time. 

Following the preventable death of April Mott [see below], one time-since fired ASH CEO Cory Nelson attempted to justify the cover up of Murrieta's escape on the basis of patient privacy [I call this "hiding behind HIPAA"), while stating as well that patients with voluntary status have a right to literally "walk away" from ASH at their leisure. Nelson has since been identified as a overt threat to the safety at AZ citizens across the board (much like his known reputation in South Dakota), and this specific aspect to his behavioral characteristics is representative of the atmosphere at ASH, especially in the case of the patient experience. I can and do attest to this.  

The legal and medical standard "Duty to Warn" is a strictly required responsibility of any licensed physician should they have any knowledge of risk to the public. Any physician, in any medical setting, anywhere in the United States. 

This standard of law was reasonably established over forty years ago in a landmark legal case convened under the authority of the California Supreme Court. The findings of that court, in Tarasoff v. Regents of University of California [17 Cal. 3d 425, 551 P.2d 334, 131 Rptr. 14 1976], held in part that any licensed mental health professional has a duty to warn individuals threatened by a patient. While this finding was technically  limited to protecting individuals who are specifically being threatened by a patient, the majority stated, "We conclude that the public policy favoring the protection of the confidential character of patient-psychotherapist communications must yield to the extent to which disclosure is essential to avert danger to others" [Justice Matthew O. Tobiner]. 

Herein the standard by which Dingle [and every other psychiatrist at ASH] acted in complicity with Nelson in patent violation of this critical standard of law and directly associated medical policy. It would have been simple for these people to "avert danger to others." Including to protect the general public, as may apply, and as did apply in Dingle's case.

But as personified by the following, this is just not how things go at Arizona's sole long term public mental health care facility.)

The Republic editor who I spoke with (above) immediately responded to my reporting this issue with the classic phrase, "That's a great tip!" 

I subsequently received a call from a cub reporter named JJ Hensley, at which time I provided as much information as I had about the matter as it stood at that time; including that Murrieta had violently ripped an electronic pass card off the neck of an ASH employee in order to initiate his escape (by which otherwise secure doors could be opened, etc.), the date and time of the escape itself, the names of various ASH staff who I knew were involved (such as that of Murrieta's primary psychiatrist, Dr. Stephen O. Morris), and other like central details in context.

Hensley then advised me that he would begin an investigation into my report.

As a matter of standard journalistic protocol, such investigations typically begin by seeking to confirm the first aspects of information provided. Hensley did this by contacting ASH's administrative office, and whoever he spoke with denied all elements of what he asked them, and then went farther in stating that no escapes had occurred in the time frame relevant to Murrieta's very real escape, as it had occurred.   

I fully understood it when, in short time, Hensley advised me that he could not confirm my report, and would have to drop the story. 

It does not take a journalist to realize this standard of practice. But as importantly, I was able to grasp the fact that, simply due to I being just one of the hundreds of seriously mentally ill individuals hospitalized at ASH (just another crazy person, in other words), it was additionally difficult for Hensley to justify taking a deeper look into this issue. 

So I let it go to the best of my ability. As to the one's running ASH in relation to the issue, I remember thinking, "Bastards... And they will likely get away with it."

During the summer of 2011 (June-August), Murrieta literally ran amok in Phoenix. On no less then three occasions, he had direct interactions with city police, who had no idea who he was, in fact, thus taking him into custody, only to release him time and time again. 

Murrieta also stalked an ASH staff member for some period of time, but when the staff member reported this to ASH administrators, the Bastards yet again refused to share this information with the public- including police.

It was that bad. Dingle, Morris, Rudd, Nelson... the whole stinking lot of them.

Approximately three months after his violent late May escape from ASH, Jesus Rincon Murrieta brutally murdered a young woman named April Mott, by viciously slashing her throat and nearly severing her head from her body. He was subsequently arrested at Mott's apartment following a missing persons report. Police found April wrapped in a piece of carpet.

I well recall sitting one morning out on the ASH patient grounds, and the female security guard who approached me with these words:

"Have you seen the paper? It's 'Ricky' (Jesus). It's bad, really bad."

That day's AZ Republic had a front page story (which included both Murrieta and Mott's photos) relating this horrific development specific to the fact ASH administrators had put the public in grave risk of harm by covering up Murrieta's escape. But, due to the impact of ASH refusing to meet their obligations as per the public trust, the story itself was limited to Mott's death, and Jesus' arrest.  

As soon as I saw that story later that morning, I recontacted JJ Hensley. My exact words:

"Dude, do you recall the guy I told you had escaped from here last May? Well, he is on the front page of your paper today."

Hensley's reaction, verbatim:

"Oh, my God.... I feel like I have her blood on my hands...."

Me: "In a way, you do. But it's not you. It's the ones behind covering his escape up."

I met with Hensley in person within 24 hours. We had two such meetings, following which he produced a four 1/2 page feature article. See: 

Phoenix victim's family questions why man was free. JJ Hensley. September 26, 2011.

I have extensively written about this particular issue in a number of prior articles in this publication. It was in fact, the topic of my first actual article, written and published within weeks of my discharge from ASH. See April 05, 2012: 

A Modern Horror Story: Wherein the Administrators of the Arizona State Hospital Willfully Put the Safety of the Greater Phoenix, AZ, Community At Risk In Order Avoid Scrutiny, Leading to the Brutal Murder of a Citizen.

I later encouraged Hensley to consider making the highly substandard conditions and care practices at ASH a subject of 
a far broader formal investigation. I honestly saw it as great way for a young reporter such as he to make a splash, and I told him as much. But Hensley balked, telling me that his "bosses" were unwilling to grant him that nature of opportunity.

For over four years following my interactions with staff of the AZ Republic newspaper- as this blog developed, and as story after story about ASH emerged via the investigation of Phoenix area ABC Ch15 journalist David Biscobing (who contacted me via the blog itself in 2013, asking to collaborate), and as consequent repeated interventions of the federal government occurred- this major news publication failed to meaningfully share in reporting it all. 

Leading me to realize that AZ Republic newspaper is just one more element to the abjectly underreported realities throughout the virtual entirety of Arizona's state agency system.

All of this patently accurate. 

I could not make it up if I had to. 


So, after the staff of PJ Reed The Arizona State Hospital's provided comments to the Arizona Republic newspaper through its monopoly site, AZ, in association with an story about the State's attempt to block members of the ASH Human Rights Committee from direct interaction with ASH patients- comments which carried for over 24 hours- that body of public feedback was removed from the site itself.

Not too concerned. We know, for example, that at some number people had ample opportunity to review those comments; this, as per a number of comments provided to our blog site since late yesterday. Those comments, which we will likely publish in full in the near future, all agreed with the our primary concerns.

One such comment, in part:

"Knowing as I and my family do how screwed up the ones responsible for April Mott's death  are, and all the other shit that went on between her death and events of 2015, it is pretty obvious what they are trying to do today. Sad, very sad... Our son is at ASH, has been since 2011 (he claims to know you), and we have been very worried about him in the last few months (as though we hadn't been prior to then). Would you be willing to help us in transferring him to a better run hospital somewhere? Don't care where, as long as it's not in Arizona...."

Maybe ADHS lawyers or their miscreant associates working for the attorney general have challenged the Republic's initial willingness to publish my comments.... Or not.

Again, we are not too concerned that Phoenix's main newspaper has for whatever reason taken this action. The fact  is that, Phoenix and Arizona government still stand today as one of the more corrupted systems in USA. As they have long been. Several gubernatorial impeachments, the murder of at least one journalist, a longtime and well hated Phoenix sheriff  convicted of felonious contempt of court, and on that list goes. 

It has also long been my firm belief that AZ Republic's editorial staff are far more interested in avoiding controversy then they typically are in providing the public with well researched and ethically produced stories in the public interest about corruption in state government.

Including state agencies such as ADHS.


As a matter of plain fact: 

Less then four weeks after my February, 2012, discharge from ASH, during lunch in Flagstaff, a former law school friend of mine, Charlie Babbitt (of the esteemed, AZ based Babbitt family), asked me a very pointed question. This, after he had learned of my intent to bust open the issues I was aware of at ASH, and most specifically, the role of the Arizona Office of The Attorney General involvement in it all.

"Do you know who Don Bolles was? He was the last writer willing to go after this level of state related bullshit.... They blew him up in his car. Be careful with these people, man, be careful." 

In certain respects, this is what's saddest to me about the AZ Republic newspaper. Don Bolles, a former AZ Republic investigative reporter of note, a legitimate award winning muckraker in all senses, gave his life in attempting to investigate and expose such corruption in the late 1970s. 

He did so to the best his actual ability, that is, until they blew him up in his car as he began preparing to publish a story about AZ congressional figures directly involved in mafia controlled dog racing.

I have since learned, too, that Bolles was no favorite of the AZ Republic's editorial staff. He had so long committed himself to independently investigating stories that he believed crucial to the public's right to information, that his "bosses" had all but given up on directing him what to go after. In fact, those people had one time tried to shut him down, threatening his job should he not do what they told him to investigate, but he prevailed via his status as a union member journalist in thwarting their shit.

Notable that the AZ Republic made little effort to investigate Bolles' murder, one of their senior and most dedicated employees. While at some point after his tragic death, the paper's managers divorced themselves from the union system. Go figure.

This is- all of it- documented fact.... Only in Arizona.

As to my friend Charlie's words over lunch that day. I could hardly have cared then, and sure as hell don't today. My interest in existing in this world has been tenuous for many, many years. This, an element of my given diagnosis, and my personal history of lethal suicide attempts. 

Fact is, I would gladly put the interest and lives of other persons less fortunate then I before my own. Including those of the entire patient community at ASH. Not much scares someone like me, in other words. 

Including the Rat Bastards central to this blog's objective.  

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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.