Tuesday, December 19, 2017

"Hypersexual" Dr. Steven Dingle. The Document. 

Arizona Board of Medical Examiners Investigation #9412.
Mark R. Speicher, Elaine Hugginin presiding. 

The Following is a partial reprint of an article originally published on December 08, 0214. In the original, we were unable to bring up the formal hearing report specific to sexual predator Dr. Steven Dingle's being found guilty of sexual abuse and harassment in May, 2997. Thanks to the good folks at ABC Ch 15 (Phoenix), however, we are now able to share that document in full. 

"Oh, never mind... 
I was just being my normal hyper sexual self."
Dr. Steven Dingle.  

Wherein, on May 8, 1997, the long running chief medical officer at Arizona State Hospital was found guilty of violating state and federal law. This after having sexually abused no less then four women under his authority at a Phoenix Hospital. When the stove got too hot for this dirt bag in 1995, he resigned his position at a private Phoenix hospital, and holed up like so many other rapscallions (Cory Nelson, Donna Noriega come to mind) in the Arizona Department of Health  Services.  

As I have clarified more then once in past articles, Dr. Steven Dingle was party to all aspects of wrongdoing and associated substandard conditions at Arizona State Hospital circa 2010-2015. As the chief medical officer, assigned as such to be fully aware of all of ASH's day to day operational features, this is simply the case.

The breadth of this wrongdoing is expansive. But I am willing to point to the covered up escape of ASH patient Jesus Rincon Murietta in 2011 as a glaring example of what some of these people have gotten away with; wherein Dingle and his associate medical and administrative staff blatantly failed to meet the psychiatric medical standard of Duty to Warn the public. By allowing this fact to be shrouded in the corrupted minds of ASH's medical staff, their behavior did as a matter of plain fact contribute to the subsequent death April Mott. Given his status as chief medical officer, wherein he has full authority over all formal medical operational decisions, no one such staff person has as much responsibility as Dingle does in this context.
Forney's 2013 mug shot.

Similarly, oh so much so, we only have to look at the fact that ASH employed a known- as in convicted prior to his employment at ASH- child sexual predator, one Roger James Forney (2010-2013- he is now in prison);  as well as more recent data about sexual assaults and other like issues that ABC Channel 15 has produced on the public light. I could not make this up if I had to. It is still... beyond me, these people.

Even today, Dingle is avoiding reasonable accountability.  Because his immediate supervisor, Aaron Bowen, for whatever reason doesn't feel that any of these facts matter when it comes to the welfare of ASH's patient community.  Which is precisely what Dingle and his kind desire, seeking places such as the Arizona State Hospital to engage in their nefarious misbehavior, where the vast majority of what goes on is kept secret.

"What happens at ASH stays at ASH"

......As I heard it said by staff on far more then one occasion.

Dingle and company love this shit. It gives them the opportunity to inflict, inflict, inflict. He is an abuser, and this pattern of conduct is 100% consistent with known abuser behavior across the board.

I would ask that ASH chief executive officer Dr. Aaron Bowen and Arizona Department of Health director Dr. Cara Christ take into account the fact that in this day in age, the presence of abusers such as Dingle are being taken to account, in government, media, and on the sordid story goes. Knowing all we do about Dingle's abject lack of character, what grants these highly entrusted state employees the right to turn a blind eye to the risks associated with this Rat Bastard?

Do the right thing. While you can.


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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.