Sunday, May 25, 2014

Current Insider (staff) Updates As They Emerge: As to irrefutable testimony from within the walls and fence lines of The Arizona State Hospital.

As stated in my most recent article, I will continue to offer new updates as they occur, be it via the media or other like sources, as they may arise. It is clear to me, and others who are seeking to bring the persons responsible for fostering the grossly substandard medical-mental health care practices at The Arizona State Hospital to full accountability under the letter of law, that none of the most recent developments that may have improved this matter have made much difference. There is, in fact, at least some information to the effect that ASH administrators have responded to these potential developments in a very negative manner, rather than actually taking action to see that the issues at stake be meaningfully resolved. Said potential, which I contend has been thwarted by the debased lack of moral character of all responsible parties, includes the highly publicized federal intervention that occurred earlier this year, wherein an assigned investigative team determined that the overall operation at ASH was being mismanaged in violation of state and federal law. Findings included clear violation of patient rights, graphic ineptitude of executive staff, and grossly negligent failure(s) to meet well established standards of law and policy in a context of fundamental hospital facility management; and at that point, the federal government did threaten to impart immediate sanctions of the ASH operation in general if these issues were not resolved. But the one's running ASH- in company with associated state officials in ADHS/BHS- scurried about like rats in a cage, not in order to align the practices at ASH with current standards of care and practice, but rather to defer the findings of that investigation, which again only further highlights the ocean deep disconnect between the operation of ASH and the applicable standards as they apply. 

In this context, I can almost hear persons such as ASH CEO Donna "You are sooo busted!" Noriega and former ASH CEO/current Deputy Director of ADHS/BHS Cory "meathead" Nelson:

"Don't worry about anything beyond getting the fed off our backs!" 

The fact is, the health care practices at ASH, and the willful attempt of ASH administrators to misrepresent the realities at ASH in this sense, are ongoing at this time, and the following communique' from ASH staff to this blog proves it. This is summarization of data that I only received in the last 24-36 hour. 

Again, the following is a summary of information provided to me in the last 36 hours:

REPORT ONE (paraphrased in order protect the identity of this source).

"The conditions at ASH have only gotten worse as time has elapsed over the last 12 months.... Patterns of highly illegal methods of restraint are being justified under the premise of such methods being therapeutic... ASH administrators continue to carry on with abusing their granted authority with no oversight or accountability... Patients are being denied visitors, largely because family members and other like visitors are increasingly expressing concern about the mistreatment of their loved ones, as reported in media and your blog... And staff members who refuse to engage in physical and psychological abuse of some ASH patients are being relieved of their duties- unpaid- for weeks at a time; while internal methods of rewarding staff who inform administration of these well intentioned staff has actually increased."

REPORT TWO (paraphrased in order protect the identity of this source).

"As shocking as I know this will sound to you, very obvious violations of patient rights are continuing unabated. How this can be, given the recent federal investigations, I will never understand.... One of my staff peers was recently laid off with no notice for an indeterminate time, with no pay, because (they) were not willing to take part in the assault of a patient. I witnessed this.... And I think you know this, but Cory Nelson is now the one assigned the responsibility of regulating all this shit, in his new position as ADHS/BHS Deputy Director... Finally, all units on the civil side were recently instructed by ASH executives to uniformly restrict all patients from leaving their assigned units, which denied all of them access to campus wide therapy and other group activities. No library, no group art therapy, nothing. This place is being run more and more like a prison than ever, and the persons in administration are acting like monsters. I am telling you, PJ, things here are far worse now than they were when you were here..."

I have said it before: I COULDN'T MAKE THIS STUFF UP IF A HAD TO! But I don't have to, because some minority of ASH staff are willing and able to testify to the atrocious conditions at ASH, as they stand today. 

As stated, this body of information came to me over the lost 36 hours via the good faith information sharing of those ASH staff who are willing to risk their livelihoods in order to do the right thing. Which is to say, persons of good conscience and sound character who are not willing or able to turn a blind eye to issues that are causing grave harm to ASH patient community, despite the overt attempt(s) of ASH administrators to unlawfully use threats of retaliation, and acts of retaliation in fact, should any reasonably well intentioned staff members subvert the dominant status quo at ASH. I fully believe that the most powerful manner in which to crack this ongoing scandal wide open and expose the full breadth of the corruption at ASH wide open like a coconut dropped 75 feet onto a rock will come through insider reports such as this; on-site and first person testimony which are very close to the value of my own accounting of the horrors that I witnessed and experienced first hand in 2011-12. Not that things have changed since then. In fact, the substandard mental health care and practices at ASH seem have deteriorated over the last two years, as indicated in the above communique'.


Quite frankly, I am not at all surprised by the details provided to me in these most recent staff communications, because this is just how it was when I was an ASH patient. Patently illegal violations of my own rights and that of many of my peers, imparted by virtually all senior staff at ASH, and well up into the administrative offices there at the Hospital, and beyond into the shadowy realm of ADHS/BHS, were as common as Arizona's blue skies during the whole of my time there, Jan. 2011-Feb. 2012. I sincerely hope that the persons's who have chosen to fight the atrociously inhumane treatment of ASH patients remain safe, but I also deeply worry that Rat Bastard's running ASH are engaged in a virtual witch hunt, seeking the aid of sickeningly unethical lower ranking staff in order to peg exactly who is behind these exposures. For I know all too well frm my own very real experiences as an ASH patient just how far ASH clinicians and administrators will go in order to stifle any/all flow of information about the substandard health care at ASH. The fact remains, as in the record, that I was overtly retaliated against for merely exercising my civic responsibility and my associated right to openly report staff wrongdoing as it arose via my 13 long months as an ASH patient. This retaliation was systematic and imparted upon me by my primary care physicians (ASH psychiatrists, who have more direct authority over each individual patient than anyone else at ASH has) with the support of ASH administrators such as former Chief Medical Officer Dr. Steven Dingle (who has since been promoted in the ADHS/BHS network [2012] ) as well as former ASH CEO Cory Nelson (who was also promoted in graphic defiance of his clearly exhibited ineptitude and associated lack of scruples [2013] ), and did as a matter of equally documented fact expose me to very  serious forms of grave harm that literally exasperated by struggles with serious mental illness. Again, this occurred while I was hospitalized at ASH. The conditions there are so bad in Arizona's only long term public mental hospital that rather then heal, I as an ASH patient went into a virtual tailspin in terms of my specific diagnosis as a direct consequence of the misconduct of some ASH nurses, some ASH behavioral health technicians, and literally all ASH psychiatrists and administrative level ASH supervisors. I mean, think about it: It's pretty goddamn depressing to learn that persons who are entrusted by the greater public to care for the needs of highly at-risk adults are, in fact, capable of engaging in deeply unlawful misbehavior that occurs in utter contradiction to established health care standards and ethics, with little to no regard for how harmful this misbehavior is to their client-consumers. This, in no uncertain terms, aggravated my struggle to regain my own sense of self worth, because these people treat ASH patients as though they are less than human. 

I feel the need to say, as well, that it would be 100% counterintuitive to deem my experiences as an ASH patient as unique or exclusive, for as all elements of the record prove today, some majority of ASH staff willfully engage in flaunting all aspects of applicable law and policy with no regard whatsoever for the rights and care needs of ASH patients , and they do so with little to no fear of oversight, and literally no accountability. Ergo, these patterns of abject discrimination against the rights of ASH patients are applied uniformly throughout the entirety of the ASH patient community. And as clearly indicated in the above data (as well as countless other staff reports posted during 2011-14 on the "" website), any/all ASH staff who seek to contribute to improving the conditions at ASH are also uniformly subject to grossly unlawful forms of abusive administrative authority and associated forms of grossly depraved hospital management techniques.

As I also pointed out at the onset of this article, the recent findings of a federally mandated internal investigation at ASH were quite disturbing, indeed, but the consequent response of ADHS/BHS officials, including ADHS Director Will Humble and his number one puppet Cory "meathead" Nelson (current Deputy Director of AHDS/BHS) was rife with inaccuracies and outright deceptions of the associated facts. Through this utterly depraved means of willful deception, ASH officials were successful in skirting the accountability process, which should be of no surprise to anyone with a modicum of familiarity with the bureaucratic clumsiness of the federal government. And the only actual result is represented by escalations of the defensive posture that ASH administrators have always taken. Anything, that is,other than a good faith acknowledgement of the need to address these issues once and for all; for to do so would require an admission that the majority of executive officials at ASH and in ADHS/BHS, in company with ASH's senior clinicians (psychiatric staff and nursing staff alike), have been willfully engaging in furthering these issues in graphic defiance of established standards of medical care.

This, all of this, is ongoing. And if persons like Cory Nelson-Donna Noriega-Steven Dingle  (and on the list goes) think they are out the hot water, they would do well to think again. But I most certainly do not expect this to occur, for none of these people have to date exhibited the moral fiber or fundamental intelligence in this context. They are bottom feeding nincompoops who actively seek out employment in places like ASH/ADHS/BHS  because they are well aware of how substandard the overall operational features of these public entities are; these features , in paradoxical coincidence, are 100% on par with the character "features" (or lack thereof) of each and every involved party. It is that bad.

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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.