Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Dr. Cara Christ, Dr. Steven Dingle. Chris Lambeth. April Mott. 

The history of the Arizona State Hospital has not improved one iota since the founding of this blog. If it had, I'd not have to continue going after this shit, these people, these so called medical professionals who the public has entrusted to oversee the health of the greater public. Shit don't fly, in other words. So here we go yet again. 

April Mott.
A beautiful young woman.
Who died in 2012.
An otherwise preventable death.
Because of Dr. Steven Dingle.

Different Director of AZ DHS then. 
But so the fuck what? It clearly matters no one bit.

Sticky thing is that, Dingle had a record as a sexual predator prior to being hired to work at ASH, grossly unlawful behavior that current Director of AZ DHS, Dr. Cara Christ aggressively defended as recently as 2018. Both these facts as per the record (I mean hell, look at this photo of the fucker.) Two obvious monsters in the midst, and this will end before too long. I promise as much. I have been in contact with certain authorities, and they know now, they know who you are, what you have been doing. 

And that you've thus far gotten away with it. 

Sleazy ass Dr. Steven Dingle.

No different than Roger Forney.
Sleazy Dingle would make Forney a fine ass cellmate. 

Fast forward to April, 2021. Dingle recently approved the discharge of a man who more recently killed yet another citizen of Arizona. Chris Lambeth. Who should have remained where he deserved to be, hospitalized at ASH, safe to himself and towards others. Other then, that is, Dingle's presence as the upper ranking doctor at ASH. 

This is one is also on Christ. No more no less than all the other shit she's accumulated since her appointment to this position via the trust of the public in 2015.  

Dr. Cara Christ. Creepy Cara Christ. 

Sleazy sexual predator Steven Dingle.

Only thier respective medical degrees has saved them. So far. 

Roger Forney, yeah he's pretty bad all by himself. 

But he's also accountable, an arguable amateur compared to these other two.

I am only calling you two out, Christ and Dingle, yet again, the both of you, because of your own depraved character. Becuase of of your own malfeasant misbehavior. Because people are dying because of you and because you fucking deserve it.

Indeed. Only two of the five named at the top of this article are entrusted by the public. Two state employees, that is, still as though they are untouchable. That's what they think, at least. 

While two of the five are not state employees, are rather disabled by serious mental illness, and are now facing with being incarcerated rather than where they deserved to be in the first place, hospitalized and safe. Because of these two state employees, another young man going to prison, the second such ASH patient in less a decade that we know of. Very much that, as per the record. 

And then there's April Mott. A victim of this shit only because of Dingle, again, but in association with people who the state chose to fire not too long ago. And for now, there's whoever Chris Lambeth killed the other day, an otherwise preventable death, because of Dingle, and because in this case, Christ, too. Neither of these victims would be dead today if not for these sorts of people, who willfully abuse the trust granted them, who feel they are somehow above the rest of us, which is really pretty fucking ironic, in fact, given that they are both overtly lower than the rest of us, in fact. As per the record, irony personified.  

You guys really suck. You know this, right? You know you ain't no better than the rest of us, right? Dingle, you were a sleaze back in my days at ASH, and I knew it the one time I sat and talked with you personally. Before, you know, you got all nervous and shit about who I am and what I am capable of. While you, Christ, with your creepy as it gets smile. No faith in you anymore, Cara, I mean, really, why should there be? 

More later. I promise you that because you fucked yourselves yet again. Have a great fucking day. 


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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.