Friday, September 18, 2020

Hello Dr. Christ. Fall 2020. COVID19 and medical ineptitude that borders of criminal in nature.

Hello, Dr. Christ. 

It has been awhile since I was last compelled to reach you personally. There are a number of reasons for why this is so, but for the moment, at least, those are irrelevant to this  document. Off the bat, then, I must assure you that I sincerely hope all of your family and friends are all doing well. This global pandemic is really a problem, and I would never wish for anybody to suffer its impacts without identifiable cause. "Identifiable" being all and any willful behavior that puts us or those around is at risk. 

That said. I was no less disturbed by your response to Dave Biscobing a few short months ago than I have ever generally been. In this case, specific to the good faith and well founded concerns of staff who were forced by you to add yet one more potentially fatal risk factor as persons employed by your agency, as that relates to COVID19, to working at ASH, and therein having to function under your twisted sphere of obligations, responsibilities, and associated privileges, as a licensed physician in the first place, doctor, and your position with the state in the second place). 

1) The greater public is very aware that you failed to so much as mention the welfare of ASH patients in that recent interview with Dave.You did that, doctor, miserably refused to even acknowledge the very existence of the  highly vulnerable adults hospitalized at ASH and under your authority. I know Bowen fits in somewhere, too, just one more doctor of ill repute bearing direct association to the operation of ASH. You and nobody else,, doctor, in utter defiance of the fact that these involved staff have proven themselves capable of conscientious concern for patient welfare when that person made the difficult but hardly mysterious decision to sacrifice her own employment because of you.

2) The purpose, utility, and any possible benefit(s) to the staff complaint process is effectively, utterly circumvented when all you have the capacity to offer these hard working staff under these tragic circumstances is a willingness "to listen"In no uncertain terms, doctor, this is no different whatsoever from the refusals of ADHS officials to follow established protocol, AZ Administrative law, when ASH patient-consumers choose to take even higher risk of retaliation if they have the courage to generate grievance reports, and especially as per my very own real experiences when they actually reach your office. Your "office", of  course, was Humble's back then, but it's also any in the ADHS construct, including the ADHS Office of Grievances and Appeals, and as Biscobing  dutifully clarifies, at ASH. Because of you, doctor, this crap is going today, in fall 2020. A global pandemic that you are unable to relate to in any clear way as that failure arises under your responsibilities today.  Retaliation at ASH was the norm in my time there, I was subject to it by some lower ranking ASH staff and virtually all higher level executive officers, even mortician Rudd, simply for having done the right thing in my own right back then, to the best of given ability, always in good faith at the onset, asking for nothing other than reasonable response from those people. While staff who basically agreed with my concerns were not able due concerns about the same issue- retaliation, as it can and often does arise in the context of job security.

I'll just mention, too, that I took time to review your current willingness to rely on a still less than actual evidence proven approach to COVID19, the antigen crap, referring to children as football players and dormitory residents, versus acknowledging the far broader implications of how your decision making in that regard will impact all residents of AZ, including and most importantly AZ kids. Where does it end? Or does it!?!  

Enough for one day. eh'. Not quite yet... It is critical, Dr. Christ, that you recall your stalwart defense of known sexual predator Dr. Stephen Dingle not so long ago. I certainly do, and that in that instance, you patently presented an absolute disconnect from all elements of the presence in American society of men like Dingle who have all but always gotten away with that shit due to malaligned privileges as doctors, judges, film producers, whatever, they are slime. You, doctor, provided Dingle with the sickening privilege of unaccountability in this very real context, abuse of power personified.  As I see it, you are little different from Ghisane Maxwell. Because no aspect of this issue is insignificant, you know, women everywhere still suffer this shit, not just from men but also from certain women, yes, women just like you, doctor. Plain fact: I have yet to even meet sexual deviants in mental hospital conditions lacking in this basic understanding of the issue. Sexual sociopaths, in other words, still able to acknowledge the essence of truth for what it is once it's known to others. I mean that sincerely, and I will not ignore it.

In closing for the moment, then. Watching footage of recent interviews with you, I am reminded of  the closing statements of Matt Damon in his acting role in that one stage in the Bourne movie series. I'll put it this way, though. You look beat up, Dr. Christ, you really do and then some. The wear and tear of bureaucratic absurdity and directly related ineptitude is obviously taking its toll on you. And while in no way surprising to me, it is nonetheless pretty shocking to actually see. This, all of this, is your choice, however. I have no argument sufficient to deny you these choices, or to let you off the hook. So be it. 

Have a nice day 

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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.