Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Of Joel Rudd. Who for no less then 10 years has been undeniably complicit in allowing for the gross infestation of substandard conditions and medical practices at The Arizona State Hospital to occur. And he is still getting away with it.
This "man", Joel Rudd, who is a senior level Arizona Assistant Attorney General, has been the legal representative assigned to overseeing the legal aspects of the operation  of the Arizona State Hospital for no less then 10 years. As such, Rudd's presence at ASH is directly associated to the established malfeasance of former ASH administrators Cory Nelson, Donna Noriega, Jennifer Alewelt, and a small host of other like miscreants, including members of ASH's medical supervisorial staff, and at least a few staff members of the Arizona Department of Health... (And along those lines, Will Humble- you can run but you can't hide).
State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General
1275 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926
Phone (602) 542-8329

FACT: As stated, Joel Rudd's official position (title) is Assistant Arizona Attorney General (see the AZ AG office's contact information above). As such, he is obligated by the terms of the state's obligation to abide by law when it comes to state operated agencies; most specifically (in his case), with respect for the operation of a specific state agency/entity, The Arizona State Hospital.

The Attorney General of Arizona is an elected state executive officer established by the Arizona Constitution. The attorney general is the chief legal officer of the state of Arizona and head of the Arizona Department of Law. He or she represents the state in civil suits, provides legal advice to state agencies and officials, enforces consumer protection and civil rights laws and prosecutes cases involving some financial and drug-related crimes. (information provided by

Rudd literally functions on a full time basis from an on-site office (at the Hospital itself), with a full time staff, paralegals and the like. In considering the above described obligations of the Office of the AZ Attorney General, there may seem to be conflicting elements in terms of the specific duties of any representative of that office. But I would contend that Rudd's assigned obligations- as per the above- most definitely include not only representing the interests of the Hospital, but more importantly, the civil rights of Arizona's citizens as a whole.  Including the patients at ASH, who- as a matter of fact- are also legitimate "consumers" of Arizona's public services, as per that term's presence in the above job description. This may be a bit confusing to a bonehead like Joel Rudd, which may in turn well be the crux of his obvious incompetence as the long time legal counsel functioning on the grounds of ASH. That likelihood, and the associated fact that he is clearly as lacking in ethos as every other member of ASH's recent administrators. Most of whom are now facing their due accountability for participating in the abject corruption in relation to the operation of ASH.

As such, on any given day, I would observe Rudd moving about on the ASH grounds, namely that area of the grounds referred to as "the mall", most generally enroute to and from either the administrative offices of ASH (where he directly interacted as legal counsel to individuals who have now  been identified as being involved with grossly unlawful executive misconduct), and/or an equally on-site court facility, where recommitment hearings and other such legal proceedings are considered by county magistrates.

I'd see this dude, and my initial impression of his appearance reminded me of a mortician- an ashen gray face and a thin body typically clad in a similarly grey suit. Therein the moniker I assigned to his slimy  presence in my writings as Joel "the mortician" Rudd. He always moved as such with an overtly offensive manner; as in snooty-like behavior -and that's putting it mildly- that I know is representative of the ongoing stigma based discrimination against persons affected by mental illness. Endemic discrimination that Americans of reasonable conscientious are well aware of when it comes to our own societal history. Rudd never so much as glanced at the many ASH patients that he might at any time be moving amongst. As though we did not exist. And 100% consistent with the manner in which ASH administrators grossly snubbed the dignity and associated right to common civility that each and every ASH patient deserves. Not to mention, the extent to which these administrators actively engaged on a day to day basis in flaunting the most basic precepts of state and federal law, at the expense of the patient community as a whole.

 And Rudd was there. Always. Advising those individuals most responsible for the operation of ASH, and obviously making it his primary goal of serving the interests of those Rat Bastards as they actively carried on with their given criminal misconduct, versus the care needs and associated rights of the ASH patients. To the detriment of each and every  Arizona citizen (patient) seeking to receive their deserved state services as ASH patient/consumers. Utter dereliction of duty personified. Bottom line.
I personally filed and represented myself as an aggrieved ASH patient and on behalf of the interests of the ASH patient community in general with legitimately verifiable data in five separate hearings, convened under the authority of the Arizona Administrative Court. In each of these hearings, wherein I filed complaints ranging from physical abuse imparted on me by an ASH technician, to grossly unlawful retaliation against me and imparted as such by ASH administrators Cory Nelson and current ASH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Steven Dingle, and other like criminal misconduct, it was Joel Rudd that I had to face off against. Nothing like a disproportionate distribution of power when it comes to legal proceedings of any kind, as exemplified in these matters by simple fact that The Arizona Office of the Attorney, of which Rudd is a staff member, is arguably the most powerful law "firm" in the state. And more importantly, given the nature of the issues that I was seeking to address in said hearings, the responsibility of him meeting his obligation not only to the interests of the Hospital, but to those of the ASH patients themselves, each and every one of whom is a citizen of the state of Arizona. 

Said "nature of the issues" at stake in each one of these hearings has everything to with the constitutionally protected civil rights of ASH patients across the board (at both the state and federal level of the purpose such documents); as well the fundamental precepts of federal level enactments, such as The Americans With Disabilities Act (all ASH patients are affected by federally recognized disability), and the Hospital Information Portability and Protection Act. Etc. Serious stuff, the importance of which extends far beyond the authority of The Office Arizona Attorney General in itself. In each of the five hearings that I was personally involved with, Rudd went around the proverbial mountain and back in attempting to discredit my allegations. As a legally educated person in my own right, I was nothing less then shocked at the manner in which Rudd would claw his way into posing a challenge to my allegations as they stood. Doing so, I contend, with full knowledge of the underlying truths of my concerns as they stood at the time.
One of the most shocking elements of my experience in filing my requests for these hearings with the AZ Administrative Court arose when I sought to have Rudd removed as the Hospital's representative attorney on the simple basis of the fact that Rudd himself was centrally involved in the allegations that I presented to the court. As in, on the basis of a clear conflict of interest. I filed my formal request in this context with the Administrative Court, as per protocol. At which point I was advised that the court itself did not have the authority to over ride the authority of the Office of the AZ Attorney General. That's right: a so called process of equitable jurisprudence wherein a representative attorney has more authority then the court itself. This, the state of affairs when it comes to the right of any ASH patient to seek relief from this particular court- a puppet court in all senses, as I learned the hard way.  

Suffice it to say, despite the virtual scads of documented evidence provided by me to the court in these hearings, I had no chance of prevailing in my attempts to draw the court's attention to issues that have by now been established as what some are characterizing as the biggest public mental health facility scandals in the new millennium. (For more information as to the conduct of the appointed judges working in the Arizona Administrative Court, see Of Judge Kay Abramsohn, August 05, 2014).

I found it very interesting, indeed, to learn that certain advocates centrally involved in working over these last 2-3 years to expose the criminal misconduct of ASH administrators took in their own right to characterizing Rudd as the "Angel of Darkness." It is that bad, and as I have said before- I couldn't make this stuff up if I had to.

IN CLOSING: With respect for the ongoing investigation of the corruption at The Arizona State Hospital, most specifically in terms of Joel Rudd's role in this particularly disturbing scandal and my current production of a manuscript intended to illustrate the various and amazingly vast body of datum that I accrued while hospitalized at ASH, I cannot share any more information about my knowledge of this particular Rat Bastard's role in it all. However, I can and will encourage anyone interested in seeing that Joel Rudd is held accountable for being complicit in the now publicized evidence specific to the grossly substandard administration of ASH speak out in your own right. To do so, I would ask that you merely take a moment to contact:

Mark Brnovich, Arizona Attorney General
State of Arizona, Office of the Attorney General
1275 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85007-2926
Phone (602) 542-8329

Likewise, feel free to share your concerns with:
State Bar of Arizona  
4201 N. 24th Street, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85016-6266
Phone: 602-252-4804
Toll Free: 866-48-AZBAR

And for those who do so, I offer my deepest thanks. These people- Rudd and the like- have been violating their obligations to the public trust for years, and in this individual's case, (as well as individuals such as former ADHS Director Will Humble [who quietly albeit abruptly resigned  his position shortly before the chit hit the fan, indicating his awareness of the fact that Arizona's new governor is not willing to turn a blind eye towards agency malfeasance] and current ASH Chief Medical Officer Dr. Steven Dingle), are still getting away with it.  It really is not difficult to take direct action. Simply fire off an online complaint to each of these agencies, call them by telephone, or go hard copy. (I recommend online or hard copy so that you have your own copy of any such submissions.) That's all it will take, and it is indeed that easy.  I am firmly of the opinion that Joel Rudd needs to be stripped of his license to practice law, and consequently subject to the same criminal charges that his associates in the administrative offices of ASH are today facing. Given the available evidence upon which state authorities have relied upon in bringing ASH's highest level executives to accountability, I see no reason whatsoever for why the one person most familiar with law and policy directly associated with the operation of ASH should not be held accountable in his own right. The man is a criminal.

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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.