Monday, August 18, 2014

As To The Primary Psychiatric Physicians At The Arizona State Hospital (cont.) Who have as a matter of established fact participated in gross violations of their respective patient-clients fundamental human rights, with no concern whatsoever as to the harmful nature of their given ineptitude. I was passed from one doctor to another during my time at ASH, four separate primary psychiatrists in only 13 months of time, simply on the basis that I was legitimately dissatisfied with each one of these individuals' obvious incompetence.

As I described in my most recent article (which shares the same title as this one) while hospitalized at The Arizona State Hospital, I was subjected to substandard medical care and associated case management from no less than four separate primary psychiatrists in a period of only 13 months. The first psychiatrist assigned to oversee my treatment at ASH was Laxman Patel, who formally directed me to request another treating physician following my expressing the fact that I was  insulted when he called me a "nitpicker". He referred to me as such with direct respect for my openly reporting staff misconduct at ASH, which is rampant, and he did so in front of my entire Inpatient Treatment and Discharge Plan. Two days after verbally directing me to request a different doctor in front of at least 7 other persons, he flatly denied it. Apparently, after the fact, he learned that he was not allowed to order his patients to do this, so he chose to lie about it. I nonetheless did request another doctor, for who in the hell wants to rely upon a doctor who exhibits both dishonesty as well as a lack of desire to care for you?

Herein, another glimpse into the nature of my second primary psychiatrist at ASH. 

Pervaiz Akhter. 

Formal Education 
Nishtar Medical College
Multan, Pakistan 
University of Texas at Houston

"That man looks creepy as hell!" One Rat Bastard at a time. 

So, as a matter of me sharing my work with friends, including photo images such as this one, this verbatim statement from my buddy Jerry pretty well represents the general responses that I have been hearing every time such friends look at it. How's it feel, "Dr." Pervaiz Atkher, to no longer conceal your malevolent demeanor from the greater public, as has long been the case, yes? Nowhere to hide, sir. Maybe it's time to  catch the first flight (back) to your homeland of Pakistan, while the getting is good.  

As with all of my other comments to the effect, this is the state of affairs in Arizona's sole long term public mental health care facility, The Arizona State Hospital. A virtually surrealistic realm wherein some of the spookiest people one might ever encounter carry on with their day to day activities as though public policy and commonly established codes of civility don't exist. And to characterize a man such as Pervaiz Akhter as "spooky" is to put it nicely. The fact is, the associated misconduct and related ruthless nature of these sorts of people is common to the history of state mental hospitals across the board, facilities and operational shortfalls that are always years behind the standards; all of this to the direct detriment of the entire (ASH) patient community, absolutely counter-therapeutic in all senses, in shocking defiance of medical standards across the board. And as I have also said, it was not the patients at ASH who I came to fear during my time there- it was staff such as this Rat Bastard. His face is a nightmare in itself for me today- literally. Bottom line, undeniable, and 100% consistent with the substandard medical-mental  health care practices and conditions at ASH.

Indeed: Why not do us all a favor, Patel, and get the hell out of here once and for all?

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I would really love input of any kind from anybody with any interest whatsoever in the issues that I am sharing in this blog. I mean it, anybody, for I will be the first one to admit that I may be inaccurately depicting certain aspects of the conditions
at ASH, and anonymous comments are fine. In any case, I am more than willing to value anybody's feelings about my writing, and I assure you that I will not intentionally exploit or otherwise abuse your right to express yourself as you deem fit. This topic is far, far too important for anything less. Thank you, whoever you are. Peace and Frogs.